Unconditional Love

There is nothing better than a love that you know will always be there. A love that will last the test of time. Through battles and triumphs. Through good times and bad times you know it will always be there, keeping you strong when you feel like you just want to give up. Its the most amazing feeling knowing that you have that type of love in your life. That love can come from anywhere. A lover, a pet, a friend, family member. Anywhere.

I don’t always see just how loved I am…. especially lately. However, I’m starting to see that even if others show it differently than I would, I am still loved. Lets all just take a moment today and recognize those who love us unconditionally. Without them, where would we be? I know I wouldn’t be here.

“Unconditional love… will not be swayed by time or circumstances. ” ― Stephen Kendrick, The Love Dare